Wings Model Management Inc. is a Cincinnati Model and Talent Management Company. Wings was established in 1998 and as Industry Professionals, we are very aware of what it takes to become a success in this business.
We work on the daily basis with Local, National and International Agencies, Models and Clients. We work with new talent developing them for the Local, National and International Markets. This is a very Competitive Industry and starting out on the right foot is vital for your success. Wings will help you get what you need to compete in the Local and National Markets. We have contacts, and experience to help you become a success in the modeling and talent industry.
As well as working with models, we work with Actors, Singers and Dancers. Our mission is to find talented and ambitious people wanting to take their talent to the next level.
We do not encourage false hopes. Our goal is to supply our Models with the necessary knowledge to become a success
Get In Touch
Wings Model Management Inc.
214 East Eighth Street, 3rd floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: (513) 993-8819